Entries in category
Binomio Societa Sportiva ASD/SSD Country
BI0002050|Fontana Gabriella|Rokkitassun Piece of Pocahontas Asd Why not dog center  ITALY
BI0002064|Papavero Sofia Maria|Rokkitassun Why not Asd Why not dog center  ITALY
BI0003383|Silvi Margherita|Rokkitassun Cupcake Asd Why not dog center  ITALY
BI0003440|Bertinelli Emanuela|Teo Teodoro adventuredog  ITALY
BI0003514|Ricci Paola|Luna Indiana Kayowa  ITALY
BI0003528|Salvador Andrea|Francini S Lucy in the sky with Diamond Joy Beach Agility Dog School Latina ASD  ITALY
BI0004556|Lenticchia Roberta|BRIOCHE AU MIEL ASD La Valletta Agility Team  ITALY
BI0006458|Militto Flavia|Amelia Shepherd asd sport dogs nomentum  ITALY
        Total entries: 8
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