Entries in category
Binomio Societa Sportiva ASD/SSD Country
BI0008650|Totis Stefania|Sky The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0008968|Montisci Laura|Mia The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0009987|Bertot Luca|Sam The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0010361|Cremilli Giulia|Piper The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0010396|Romagnoli Silvia|Vertigo The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0010813|Serra Martino|Pino The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0010994|Perotto Arianna|Ginger Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica De Lupis  ITALY
BI0011207|Ascenzi Sergio|Asia Funny Dog ASD  ITALY
BI0011381|Serra Martino|Clelia The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011382|Bruno Viviana|Skin The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011476|De iaco Silvio|Daisy The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011477|Galanti Ginevra|Yoshi The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011491|Gaiter Chiara|Xena Funny Dog ASD  ITALY
BI0011713|Bugni Michela|Aslan The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011728|Caresio Luca|Zoe V Novembre The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011761|Chiara Manuela|Raya The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011803|Mascena Gioele|Kate The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011852|Demarchi Valentina|Thor The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011855|Ziano Michele|Macarena The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011857|Gaggio Giorgia|Thanatos The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011860|Bonfanti Beorn Tobia|Aron The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011865|Tosca Federica|Mela The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011872|falletti cristina|Skylee The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011874|Suppo Marco|Bau The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011884|Ferreri Francesca|Bud The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011897|Sabatino Samantha|Pinkie The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0011902|Ferraro Annalisa|Miele The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
        Total entries: 28
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