Entries in category
Binomio Societa Sportiva ASD/SSD Country
BI0001776|Giurastante Maria Antonella|Nice and Sweet Nike in the Star A.s.d. ABCDog Akira Forever  ITALY
BI0003505|Grassi Diana|Bahia dell Altopiano detta Bell Asd MIghty Agility Dogs  ITALY
BI0003572|Tari Capone Francesca|Amy Indiana Kayowa  ITALY
BI0003603|Guccio Germano|Andrea Diki Centro Cinofilo Nascosa asd  ITALY
BI0008038|Militto Flavia|Tutto può succedere detta Bess ASD OVER THE TOP AGILITY TEAM  ITALY
        Total entries: 5
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