Entries in category
Binomio Societa Sportiva ASD/SSD Country
BI0003576|Viviani Illary|Ultimo SogniAppesi Dog it Easy associazione sportiva dilettantistica  ITALY
BI0006902|Di Tizio Giulia|Sham di Petrademone detto Ringo A.s.d. ABCDog Akira Forever  ITALY
BI0007612|Corradini Maria Letizia|Tennent s Extra Strong detto Rocco A.s.d. School of Dogs  ITALY
BI0007697|Staffolani Simone|Anakin A.s.d. School of Dogs  ITALY
BI0008612|Schingaro Stefania|Ciuè A.s.d. School of Dogs  ITALY
BI0010444|Manfredi Nicola|Jet HAPPY DOG PARK ASD  ITALY
BI0010895|Giurastante Antonella|Whitney walks with me in The Star A.s.d. ABCDog Akira Forever  ITALY
BI0010963|Brasca Anna|Yuki A.s.d. School of Dogs  ITALY
BI0011389|Pierbattista Carlo|Ultra Force to shark zanzibar detto Zoom A.s.d. School of Dogs  ITALY
        Total entries: 9
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