Entries in category
Binomio Societa Sportiva ASD/SSD Country
BI0000206|Bachi Martina|Rokkitassun all Eyes on Me E-MotionDogs ASD  ITALY
BI0001425|Mengarelli Matteo|Loki East Coast Dogs asd  ITALY
BI0002638|Leoni Luca|Queen AnconAgility  ITALY
BI0002769|Fanesi Jessica|Kara A.s.d. School of Dogs  ITALY
BI0003157|Grueneklee Tanja|Vic A.s.d. School of Dogs  ITALY
BI0003564|Canales Alessandra|Ciro in the Star A.s.d. School of Dogs  ITALY
BI0003580|Stucchi Vera|Dark Dog it Easy associazione sportiva dilettantistica  ITALY
BI0004119|Esposito Raffaele|Catch the wind A.s.d. School of Dogs  ITALY
        Total entries: 8
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