Entries in category
Binomio Societa Sportiva ASD/SSD Country
BI0001830|baccega gioia|velox crur toscana detta puky Dog training cumiana  ITALY
BI0001890|tumminello daniel|briciola Dog training cumiana  ITALY
BI0001958|Multari Sergio|Frank The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0002097|Franchi Sara|Nube The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0002117|Elia Elisa|Sonny The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0002120|Zhilinskaya Tatiana|Due-Mya The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0002223|Barrera Valentina|Camilla The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0002238|Cantamessa Simona|IRYS DE LA CASCDE DE LENTENEY detta MOON Redogs Asd  ITALY
BI0002552|Arcelli Diego Loris|Coco The Dog Island a.s.d.  ITALY
BI0003391|Baccega Alice|velox crur talia detta coco Dog training cumiana  ITALY
BI0003399|De Stradis Giosia|Black Power Dog a.s.d.  ITALY
        Total entries: 11
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