Entries in category
Binomio Societa Sportiva ASD/SSD Country
BI0003426|Cecchini Eleonora|Sparky Dogs Border Collies Strawberry Swing detta Piper Asd Sparky Dog Agility  ITALY
BI0004603|mastinu ester|YARUCK SHIRO asd casa soder  ITALY
BI0007634|carnassale aurora|MILA Lakota SSD ARL  ITALY
BI0008407|papi livia|nami Lakota SSD ARL  ITALY
BI0010259|GRAZIANI ANGELA|ANITA detta Angy Asd Why not dog center  ITALY
BI0012745|simola francesca|Devongem Heat of The Moment Lakota SSD ARL  ITALY
        Total entries: 6
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